Salvågergata 8, 4006 Stavanger (se kart). Telefon 51 58 90 10. E-post:

Salvågergata 8, 4006 Stavanger (se kart). Telefon 51 58 90 10. E-post:

Salvågergata 8, 4006 Stavanger
Telefon 51 58 90 10.

We want you to feel well taken care of – personally and professionally.

Who you meet at Klinikk Bærheim
Gunhild Bærheim

Cand. Med. | Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics.

Elisabet Vetrhus

Educated nurse and midwife with specialization in ultrasound diagnostics.

Health Secretary
Sissel Thaule

Extensive experience from both the public and private health sectors

This is how you can book an appointment with us
Klinikk Bærheim
conduct exams, provides treatment, advice and guidance to women of all ages.

Young Women

It is time to start menstruating and find your sexual orientation. We can help with contraception, investigate and treat menstrual irregularities, infections, and pain. When you turn 25, you should start taking pap smears.

Women wanting children

Many women desire to have children. Getting pregnant is usually not a problem, but sometimes it is, and the reasons vary. We offer clinical examination and test, and give treatment for some, and counselling/referral for some. We also offer complete pregnancy follow-up, inclusive ultrasonography, and we are approved to offer NIPT (Non-Invasive-Prenatal Test).

Mature women

This is a busy time for many. However, you should still take time for pap smears/HPV testing, contraception and get in touch in case of abdominal discomfort or bleeding disorders.


In this phase, women experience large hormonal fluctuations. The impact these fluctuations has on women, varies. We offer examination, councelling and individualized treatments.

Older Women

After menopause, there are other ailments that can occur and must be treated to prevent them from affecting your everyday life and social life. If you experience bleeding more than one year after menopause, you must contact us to rule out uterine cancer. Pap smears should be taken until you are 70 years old, and in some cases other examinations are needed or recommended.

Klinikk Bærheim is located in the center of Stavanger

The nearest parking is at the Oil Museum, at Ryfylkekaien or in Valbergtårnet car park.

Title Address Description
Klinikk Bærheim
Salvågergata 8, 4006 Stavanger, Norge

Salvågergata 8, 4006 Stavanger

Parkering Oljemuseet
Havneringen 23, 4013 Stavanger, Norge
Parkering Ryfylkekaien
Nedre Holmegate 30, 4006 Stavanger, Norge
Parkering Valbergtårnet
Kirkegata 30, 4006 Stavanger, Norge