Salvågergata 8, 4006 Stavanger (map). Phone 51 58 90 10. E-mail:

Salvågergata 8, 4006 Stavanger (map). Phone 51 58 90 10. E-mail:

Salvågergata 8, 4006 Stavanger
Phone 51 58 90 10.

Klinikk Bærheim
welcomes all old and new customers to the new clinic in the center of Stavanger.

Gynocologist Gunhild Baerheim

Cand. Med., Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Owner of Klinikk Bærheim.

I graduated as a doctor from University of Bergen and Trondheim 1992. During my studies, I had 6 weeks as an exchange student in Zimbabwe, Harare hospital and Elim Mission. I also had a 3 month internship at a Veterans Hospital in Palo Alto, Stanford, US, learning psychiatry.

I have worked as a general practitioner for 4 months In Bergen(-95) and 6 months in Sandes (-98) In 2003 I was approved specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology , educated at Haukeland University Hospital and Stavanger University Hospital (SUS). I worked as a junior – and senior Doctor at SUS until Nov.-11.

From Januar -12 I have worked as a Private Practitioner in Stavanger. April-21 I started working partially at Youth health Clinic, and from July -21 I started “Klinikk Bærheim” at Salvaagergaten in the city centre of Stavanger.

Midwife Elisabet Vetrhus

Educated nurse and midwife with specialization in ultrasound diagnostics.

My education and experience, combined with my strong engagement, has always been related to infants’ and woman’s health.
I have worked as a Nurse at the Neonatal ward at Stavanger University Hospital (SUS) for 15 years, when I also had my own three children.

At the age of 42 I fulfilled my dream of becoming a midwife – a choice that has lived up to all my expectations of a meaningful career. Every day, I am excited to see who I meet and how I can help the woman and her partner. My aim is always to contribute to a good pregnancy and birth for the women I meet.

In 2011 I specialized as a ultrasound Midwife at NTNU, The university in Trondheim. Thereafter, I have practiced both as a midwife at the delivery ward and at the ultrasound clinic as a Sonographer My main tasks at the ultrasound clinic, are early ultrasound checks and routine checks at pregnancy week 18/19, follow-up of risk pregnancies, weight controls and dialogues with women experiencing birth distress or process emotions from earlier births.

I am now looking forward to work with Gynecologist Gunhild Baerheim and I am looking forward to meeting You…